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 Se�n's FYCTH #796

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
demonic Posted - 02/27/2012 : 13:08:10
Originally posted by Se�n
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Se�n Says: And the BAFTA goes to... bed. Get well BB.

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 03/01/2012 : 00:37:30
Yes. I can't vote in the new site at all as when I'm logged in every page I open outside of MyFWFR is a blank at the moment. Resorting to the old site for the time being - quickest way to vote I've discovered is to log in to the Fourum on FWXR and then click on the fwiffers username in the thread - it takes you to the appropriate page on FWXR.

Lots of good reviews this time... hopefully a fuller complement next time.
randall Posted - 02/29/2012 : 22:52:27
Me too. The voting is tres clunky right now, but I did V&V, thanx to Sensei's last-minute help.
lemmycaution Posted - 02/29/2012 : 22:38:42
Originally posted by randall

I can't figure out how to vote in the new design. Help, pls?

If you are logged in, there will be the outline of a star on the top right of the review bubble. Just click that.

I have been having trouble since I keep getting logged out randomly, both on my computer and android reader.
randall Posted - 02/29/2012 : 22:14:05
I can't figure out how to vote in the new design. Help, pls?
lemmycaution Posted - 02/29/2012 : 20:18:36
Salopian Posted - 02/29/2012 : 19:05:59
Originally posted by Larry

With our meager number of particpants, it didn't take long to vote.

The others must have leapt this round.

Larry Posted - 02/29/2012 : 18:53:38

With our meager number of particpants, it didn't take long to vote.

Salopian Posted - 02/29/2012 : 10:33:47
Including a film that was for some reason released as far as possible from the relevant date.

The first film is about neighbours who both love a certain type of music and have meals in the bath.

Miwa is a transsexual/transvestite star, and the film covers his/her life and Japanese attitudes to him/her.

The last, not-yet-released, film is known for its writer-producer's appearance on Dragons' Den (a famous business-pitch programme, in case you don't have it). Aptly, she seemed a bit of a fantasist and didn't receive any investment.
demonic Posted - 02/28/2012 : 05:55:42
More Beckett

"Not I" is a monologue performed by Billie Whitelaw - and is made up of one long take of just her mouth in close-up. Julianne Moore performed the new version in 2000.
"Breath" is 45 seconds in length and represents the extreme shortness of human life.
"Catastrophe" was John Gielgud's final screen performance.
Penelope Wilton plays the woman in "Rockaby" sorrowfully remembering parts of her life in internal monologue.

And just in case, here's the old site link
Larry Posted - 02/28/2012 : 02:27:23
Hanks to Schram: "There's no crying in baseball"

A good idea, demonic -- here's the old link:
randall Posted - 02/27/2012 : 22:01:47
Here's randall's #796 list. I hope.
lemmycaution Posted - 02/27/2012 : 18:01:07
Lemmy in for #796.

Some reviews for Oscar winners.

A veiled reference to a Luis Bunuel film (chien is French for dog) and a nod to Ernest Heminway.

Gare is French for train station.
Gars is French for little boy.
Gears is English for gears.

Jardin is French for garden.

There will be a quiz a demain.

Ye olde link

w22dheartlivie Posted - 02/27/2012 : 15:24:22
And how freaky is this?? I'm still trying to figure out the new format. In any case, I have a bundle of new approvals and a couple of them about which I'm kind of proud. So take a gander at these new reviews! Hope you get better soon BB!!!

1 & 2: Bobby Jones was famously converted to Christianity after he left golfing.
3. Kevin James plays Griffin Keyes.
4. Will Ferrell plays Jackie Moon, who owns the Flint Michigan ABA team, the Tropics.
5. About Kevin Clash, who resurrected, voices and operates Elmo, the muppet that famously became the basis for the Tickle Me Elmo doll that my niece and all her friends just HAD to have.

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