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 Winter's Bone

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 11/21/2010 : 15:14:06
Winter's Bone

Bleakly wonderful, with Jennifer Lawrence carrying the whole film admirably.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/05/2011 : 20:31:14
I discussed my opinion of this film here wherein I was gushing over the genius that is John Hawkes in relationship to his Oscar nomination. Yeah, it's bleak. That's the truth behind life sometimes.
Sean Posted - 05/20/2011 : 11:35:48
Awesomely bleak and nasty. A couple of contrived plot points bothered me slightly but little else did. I felt pretty glad my lot in life wasn't to be a meth-cooking hillbilly though.

Salopian Posted - 12/26/2010 : 09:39:35
This thread also mentions this film.
randall Posted - 12/13/2010 : 22:03:53
Many Sundance films, particularly indies, are still wet from the processing lab [that's a metaphor!] when they're first screened. The spelling of the name came from the Sundance catalog, which is prepared months before. No film on this budget can afford to go back for reshoots. So, character spelling and IMDb aside, we saw the same movie. We simply hold wildly divergent opinions, as usual.
Salopian Posted - 11/23/2010 : 02:28:03
Originally posted by randa11

Rhee Jessup

Apparently they changed her name considerably since the Sundance showing, so perhaps they changed a lot of other things too.

I think it may have helped, though, that I haven't seen Frozen River.

randall Posted - 11/23/2010 : 01:12:08
My take from this past Sundance:

WINTER�S BONE** (Dramatic Jury Prize) A stereotypical �Sundance film.� It�s winter in the bleak Missouri Ozarks. The sky, the ground, people�s faces, everything seems to be dull grey. Teenager Rhee Jessup is the de facto head of her household, because mom is near-catatonic, pop skipped bail after putting the house and land up for bond, and her young sister and brother aren�t old enough to fend for themselves. If Rhee can�t produce her father to stand trial, she loses everything. She goes from house to house � very slowly � and shakes up the secretive community until it feels it has to strike back. This is a moody little piece, but the mood never changes. We saw director Debra Granik�s DOWN TO THE BONE at Sundance a few years ago (that was our first good look at Vera Farmiga) and felt just as depressed. John Hawkes, a fine actor, has a featured role and does well, but if I never see another meth-cooking hillbilly again, it�ll be too soon. Sometimes this kind of movie works for me (FROZEN RIVER). This one didn�t.

My complete 2010 Sundance report

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