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T O P I C    R E V I E W
benj clews Posted - 10/25/2009 : 14:00:54
Well, I'm very opposed to using three exclamation marks in a thread title (or, indeed, anywhere) but if there's one place I feel I can let myself slip it's when announcing the 10th anniversary of fwfr. Yes- 26th October, 2009 and this succinct corner of the web is officially 10 years old. Huzzah!

Now, as some of you might know, I've been away from the site quite a bit working hard on the new site and was really hoping to have that finished (or at least usable) in time. Unfortunately, due to assorted issues popping up over the last year, this won't be the case. There'll be a change to the home page and logo and of course the cakes will be back, but as much as I'm desperate to see what you make of it, the new site isn't yet in a place where you can all play around with it.

However, I don't want to leave you all hanging with nothing to show, so I'm going to post a few screen grabs up here tomorrow (consider it like Coming Attractions) to give you an idea of what's in store for fwfr before the year's out (barring any more delays).

Meantime, I'd like to thank you all for sticking with fwfr, be that days, months or in the case of some here, years (which I think is truly a rare thing in web site terms) and continuing to fill this site with your four word goodness. I may have put the game out there, but it would be nothing without anyone playing it.

Cheers one and all and here's to another 10 great years with this huge silly tiny idea...

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 10/29/2010 : 17:46:26
The sticky can probably be removed from this thread now...
TitanPa Posted - 01/05/2010 : 16:49:05
Congrats Benj! I was missing for the last year or so. I always remembered this place. hope to be returning more often. May we have many more years here. Love all the new to me.

ci�nas Posted - 11/09/2009 : 10:08:05
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by lamhasuas

Has anyone mentioned an undo option? Probably. Anyway, having just inadvertently rated a film I haven�t seen or even previously heard of, I�d be in favour of this. And how about a function that allows you to retract submitted reviews, prior to their acceptance or rejection, that you�re having second thoughts about, instead of merely having the ability to amend or delete them? If it�s an easy thing to set up it would be useful, I think, given the 20-films-per-week cap.

I was also wondering whether it would be possible to link films here directly with films on IMDb. This would speed up the process of trying to understand reviews of films you know little or nothing about.

Are you taking the mickey or are those real questions? If the former, fool on me for responding! If the latter, two of the requested functions exist already:

imdb link is the "imdb button" on the top left of every review page
scoring for films can be cancelled by clicking on the red 'x' that appears next to the film rating once you've rated it

No, if either of us is a fool it isn't you, bife. I didn't realize either of those functions existed. I wonder how many hours using that unnoticed IMDb button would have saved me over the last 3 years. Christ. Well, some things you don't know unless someone tells you, so thanks for telling me.

Salopian Posted - 11/09/2009 : 09:22:24
Originally posted by bife

Not sure what the benefit of 'retracting' a review would be above deleting it. Pretty sure deleting a review within the week removes it from counting towarsds the cap, but it's been years since the cap affected me so maybe I am missing some understanding.

That's supposed to be the case, but in fact in weeks when I have known my exact number of submissions and have deleted a pending review from that week, I have found it not to be true.
The ability to take back a vote would be nice, as I've 'accidentally' voted for a review plenty of times (fat finger syndrome!); although that could also get personal!

I've accidentally voted quite a few times too. I'd also like to be able to take back F.Y.C. votes when someone points out that a review is a duplicate. I suppose the ideal would be if one could retract votes up to one week after they were given.
Salopian Posted - 11/09/2009 : 09:16:03
Originally posted by lamhasuas

We seem to be at cross purposes. I didn�t mention reviews. I simply said that I�d like there to be some low-key acknowledgement given to whoever adds each individual film to the site (amid the film�s details would be the obvious place) � provided this didn�t encourage people to add rafts of random films that are unlikely ever to be reviewed. Adding films that you haven�t submitted a review for &/or that aren�t components of accolades strikes me as pointles.

No, you did mention (lack of) reviews, as in "never-to-be-reviewed films". My point was that highlighting the adder's reviews would not encourage never-to-be-reviewed films, because the adder would obviously only get anything highlighted if they did review the film.

However, as I said, I agree that a small acknowledgment would be better.
bife Posted - 11/09/2009 : 08:59:42
Originally posted by lamhasuas

Has anyone mentioned an undo option? Probably. Anyway, having just inadvertently rated a film I haven�t seen or even previously heard of, I�d be in favour of this. And how about a function that allows you to retract submitted reviews, prior to their acceptance or rejection, that you�re having second thoughts about, instead of merely having the ability to amend or delete them? If it�s an easy thing to set up it would be useful, I think, given the 20-films-per-week cap.

I was also wondering whether it would be possible to link films here directly with films on IMDb. This would speed up the process of trying to understand reviews of films you know little or nothing about.

Are you taking the mickey or are those real questions? If the former, fool on me for responding! If the latter, two of the requested functions exist already:

imdb link is the "imdb button" on the top left of every review page
scoring for films can be cancelled by clicking on the red 'x' that appears next to the film rating once you've rated it

Not sure what the benefit of 'retracting' a review would be above deleting it. Pretty sure deleting a review within the week removes it from counting towarsds the cap, but it's been years since the cap affected me so maybe I am missing some understanding.

The ability to take back a vote would be nice, as I've 'accidentally' voted for a review plenty of times (fat finger syndrome!); although that could also get personal!
ci�nas Posted - 11/09/2009 : 01:55:10
Originally posted by Sa10pian

Originally posted by lamhasuas

I'd be reluctant to encourage adding dozens of obscure, never-to-be-reviewed films wholesale

Well, it wouldn't do that, as reviews could only be highlighted if they existed...

We seem to be at cross purposes. I didn�t mention reviews. I simply said that I�d like there to be some low-key acknowledgement given to whoever adds each individual film to the site (amid the film�s details would be the obvious place) � provided this didn�t encourage people to add rafts of random films that are unlikely ever to be reviewed. Adding films that you haven�t submitted a review for &/or that aren�t components of accolades strikes me as pointless.


Has anyone mentioned an undo option? Probably. Anyway, having just inadvertently rated a film I haven�t seen or even previously heard of, I�d be in favour of this. And how about a function that allows you to retract submitted reviews, prior to their acceptance or rejection, that you�re having second thoughts about, instead of merely having the ability to amend or delete them? If it�s an easy thing to set up it would be useful, I think, given the 20-films-per-week cap.

I was also wondering whether it would be possible to link films here directly with films on IMDb. This would speed up the process of trying to understand reviews of films you know little or nothing about.

Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:53:12
Originally posted by [matt]

On the current site it points to the reviewer as if they're actually saying it which is nice.

I'd never thought of this before but it's a good point.
And wouldn't it be better to have the default 'sort by chronological order' be oldest to newest rather than newest to oldest?

I'd also far prefer chronological to antichronological, but at least antichronological has some function.
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:29:18
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Alot of the lists that Salopian created are, whilst valid, out of order and incomplete are you going to incorporate these and therefore formalise them

Well, they're not that bad, as I do update them periodically, but it would be nice to have them a proper part of the site, especially as the names could then be hyperlinked.
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:22:50
Originally posted by S10n

I don't have an issue with rosettes for Top 500 reviews. That way, however a page is sorted, the top reviews stand out.

I guess the point is that if people sort pages in any of the nine other ways, then what they are not looking for is the highest reviews.
At present, user icons get greater visibility as a reward for quantity, and I think it's only fair for greater visibility to be the reward for high quality reviews.

Arguing it that way makes sense. I'd like the icons to be removed from reviews in fact. They could just appear on users' pages and in lists.
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:19:25
Originally posted by lamhasuas

I'd be reluctant to encourage adding dozens of obscure, never-to-be-reviewed films wholesale

Well, it wouldn't do that, as reviews could only be highlighted if they existed...
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:10:31
Originally posted by benj clews

highlight all the reviews by the person who added the film?

This would benefit calmer, Josh and myself the most, but I'm against it. However, I wouldn't mind being able to read on the page who added the film.
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:08:24
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

I agree that the top 100 has become a closed club, however, it seems unfair to penalise them because they have been so successful.

Not highlighting them more than they already are is hardly 'penalising' them.
Salopian Posted - 11/07/2009 : 18:06:39
Originally posted by benj clews

Still, if it's making all-time top reviews more visible that's a concern, these reviews already appear first against films so I'm not imagining removing rosettes will make a massive difference to visibility.

They only come first by one of ten possible orderings, and one of eight on reviewers' pages
Regarding iPhone and voting, the eventual aim will be to make a version of the site specially for that, but obviously I need to get this new version up and running first though.

As one of the main people who accesses the site on the iPhone (almost entirely until a couple of months ago), I'm really keen on the form of the site being the same. I don't want to have to learn two different ways of manoeuvring around.
Josh the cat Posted - 11/01/2009 : 13:41:41
Originally posted by benj clews

Hmm... some of those are mighty obscure and I'm not entirely sure half of them would fit. Is everyone really interested in knowing all these?

I'm not interested in some, but the accolades completed is certainly worth knowing. I also like the accolades created and possibly films added, but, like whipper(I think it was whipper) I would not like to think this become competitive. The only reason I have added so many is generally accolade creation.

10sh the cat

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