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 Show of hands, please RE: FYCTH
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"500 Chocolate Delights"


Posted - 01/15/2007 :  07:05:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, the vote is:

How many of you want to start the Thursday FYCTH at 6pm (evening) instead of 6am (morning)?

If you don't want to post your answers here, you can send me a PM instead. I'll keep track of the votes and will post the results just before 6am UK time on Thursday.

6am (06:00 GMT): 11 (ish)
6pm (18:00 GMT): 5 (ish)
NBT (Not Bothered Time): 3

Anyone who still wants to make their opinion count should contact me or post to this thread, TODAY!

(But unless there's a huge surge of last minute 6pm votes, then tomorrow's round will be starting at 6am, as usual.)

Edited by - ChocolateLady on 01/17/2007 07:48:28

"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

New Zealand

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  07:24:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I vote leave it as it is. I like it simple (same time each round) as it has been successfully for 2.5 years.

Edit: OK, I picked those times initially here (OK, after a round or two) as some do their FWFRing at work, and some at weekends. Thursday 6am gives those who fwfr at work a bit of time to participate in both rounds in a week. 6pm gives them a lot less time (depending on where on the planet they live). I've no idea how relevant this is though. It was also based on an observation that fwfr is generally quieter in the weekends than it is on weekdays, so giving people an extra day to do their FYCTH voting on the weekends seemed like a good idea.

It doesn't bother me if it changes, although there have been attempts in the past to change FYCTH, all unsuccessful after a show of hands. E.g., increase to 3-rounds per week etc.

So, if the majority are in favour of changing, then as far as I'm concerned it's changed. And if they aren't, then it stays as is. And, there's always the option of changing it back.

It wouldn't surprise me if even if the majority are in favour of change that someone starts it at 6am anyway, as a 2.5 year habit may be hard to break. And call me a conservative old bastard, but the reason presented for change isn't a terribly good one. But don't let me tell anyone what should be important to them.

Hence my vote for KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

Edited by - Sean on 01/16/2007 09:19:37
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"Four your eyes only."

Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne, Australia

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  08:22:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
6am please.
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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  09:51:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'd like it to change to 6 p.m. as (i) a variety of people should be able to start rounds (which there is no need to hyperbolically call wanting a name in lights) and (ii) I would like the rounds to be the same length. One day at work is ample for participating; in addition, I seem to be the only person who does not have the Internet at home and thus that would affect.
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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  10:13:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
From another thread:

The original reason that I would like to be able to start it sometimes, is that I would like to be able to suggest occasional optional themes. However, I would also like to be able to start it for its own sake. Why not? The suggesting timing would additionally mean that different posters would tend to be near the beginning. This is better for fairer voting. (Although people look at all F.Y.C.s, they are likely to favour the ones they read first slightly differently, perhaps better - this is certainly the case when loads of reviews are approved for a new (or newly added film), where variations of the same idea are used.
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

East Yorkshire, England.

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  10:13:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Leave a perfectly good system alone. The fact that some people don't get to start a round is a matter of gegraphy and will power.

If someone on the dark side of the world at 6am FWFR time wants to start a round then let them stay up late or get up early, and what blasted difference does it make who starts the round the idea is to have a chance to pimp a review not be seen as the first to post.

Whilst we are on to it the traditional post should be returned with the header Sean's FYCTH #nnn.

Why change a system that has worked for years? What a pointless idea.

Josh the cat.

so as a quick reminder I vote for 6am mondays and thursdays for those who may be left in any doubt
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"Four ever European"

The European Union

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  10:54:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

If someone on the dark side of the world at 6am FWFR time wants to start a round then let them stay up late or get up early, and what blasted difference does it make who starts the round the idea is to have a chance to pimp a review not be seen as the first to post.

Whilst we are on to it the traditional post should be returned with the header Sean's FYCTH #nnn.

Why change a system that has worked for years? What a pointless idea.

Josh, just because something would be pointless to you does not mean that it would be pointless overall. Getting up early would not mean that I could post then, as I do not sleep at work. It is objectively better to have the rounds be the same length. It is better that it varies who comes earlier in the posts. It would be better for occasioal optional themes if different people started it.

I have no idea what 'traditional post' means, but the rounds did not use to be titled 'Sean's FYCTH #nnn' and people can call them whatever variant of 'For Your Consideration Treasure Hunt' plus number that they like.
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"August review site"


Posted - 01/15/2007 :  11:57:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It doesn't bother me who starts it so i suppose whether it is left or changed doesn't really bother me but if i were to choose I'd say leave it as it is at 6am
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  12:04:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In the words of the amazing Catherine Tate:
I'm not bothered. Do I look bothered? Does my face look bothered? I am NOT BOTHERED!

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"Long mired in film"


Posted - 01/15/2007 :  12:55:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you CL for taking on the role of Polling Station Chief.

I am indifferent to the starting time so consequently I am in your third category.
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United Kingdom

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  13:19:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm all for change, a vote for 6pm. A change is as good as a rest. I think it would be fairer on our American and Canadian buddies. Also on Brits who don't get up for work quite that early in the morning to be there at the start.

However, it doesn't directly affect me either way, so I'm happy for it to stay if that's the will of the crowd.

Edited by - demonic on 01/15/2007 13:19:41
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"A fourword thinking guy."

United Kingdom

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  13:37:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote


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"Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "

Little Rock

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  15:58:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
keep it as is - it works fine - outside of ego there is no reason to be the one who started it and I get just the same number of votes to quality when I post laste as when I post early.
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"The Provolone Ranger"


Posted - 01/15/2007 :  16:59:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Leave it, he voted.
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"Better than HBO."

Palo Alto, CA

Posted - 01/15/2007 :  18:49:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I vote for the status quo.
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"1500+ reviews. 1 joke."


Posted - 01/15/2007 :  19:01:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Me too. Especially if they play "Picture of Matchstick Men".
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