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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 09/30/2007 : 11:05:15

I just added this to fwfr, so assume nobody's seen it.

The Bothersome Man

A Norwegian/Icelandic production, with excellent casting and direction. It's a very dark black comedy, I can certainly understand where Norwegian black metal comes from if this is the kind of movie they make. I left the cinema wanting to stroke the cat, smell the flowers, listen to some music and eat some freshly baked bread.

I've just added it to the Dystopia accolade.


Edit:- I've been thinking more about this, and worked out why it's so good. It's the subtlety with which the dystopia was created. The setting is a normal looking city, with normal furniture, a normal office, normal everything - the abnormality is almost entirely created by the characters. There isn't much that's totally original about this dystopia - there are elements of Pleasantville, Brave New World and THX-1138, and it's based on the common fish-out-of-water ('normal' guy in a dystopic world) scenario - but the dystopia being predominantly character-presented rather than event-driven makes this rather unusual, and very clever and satisfying.

There is also much to debate on what this dystopia actually means (i.e., where is he? how did he get there? etc). The astute will see beyond the story and see this as the dark social satire that it is. I'll be seeing this one again (assuming I can find a DVD at some stage). Seek this one out.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
duh Posted - 10/01/2007 : 05:16:01
Sorry, I'm having trouble finding your original dystopia thread, so I'll post here. Is "Brazil" in it and if not, does it qualify?

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