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 Jargling: v. the act of making up words in a game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bavvy Posted - 05/11/2005 : 21:30:44
I used to visit quite often. They have a game over there, that is a lot of fun. Maybe we could have some laughs in the Fourum. With thanks to Kickstart:

Jargling: v. The act of making up words in a game

Make up a definition for a newly created word that a previous poster created. Then give your own newly created word. An example:

(User 1 creates the word 'oggerang' in the post previous to the one below)
Oggerang: n. the earliest boomerang discovered by anthropologists in 1650, embedded in the skull of a Neanderthal

Next word: Brinatic

Get it? So the next guy/gal (THAT'S YOU!) makes up a definition for the next word, and makes up a new one. Thats all there is to it! Have fun!

Edit:This game is really catching on, isn't it? Glad you like it!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TitanPa Posted - 05/03/2023 : 01:14:07
Shormine - The act of finding the perfect beach to spend the day on.

Next word: Trollicant
Bavvy Posted - 03/02/2015 : 19:06:29

Bavvy Posted - 11/02/2013 : 19:22:40
Vollekines - The typical track a Volleyball follows through the air when smashed at full force.

Next word: Shormine
TitanPa Posted - 10/17/2013 : 20:56:09
Gemtosting - Feeling sick at the site of rare Gems that you know you can't have.

Next Word:

Bavvy Posted - 10/17/2013 : 20:14:21
Gemtosting anyone?

Come on.... It's fun and you know it!

Bavvy Posted - 10/22/2012 : 20:57:13

Bavvy Posted - 12/01/2011 : 20:31:22
Menstedom - A rare but serious condition where the female human loses all rationality and empathic capabilities. Usually occurs for two days in 28, and repeats quite regularly.

Next word: Gemtosting

TitanPa Posted - 10/23/2011 : 05:54:00
Harcholoxy - A group of people who like to listen to sounds.

Next word:

BaftaBaby Posted - 10/22/2011 : 16:16:44
Originally posted by Bavvy


Mucist - practitioner of the specialist study of mucus, finally recognized as an academic discipline in 1964.

Next word:

Bavvy Posted - 10/22/2011 : 15:13:11
Prehyxlickle - A lollypop offered by a dirty (usually older) man.

Next word: Mucist

Beanmimo Posted - 04/23/2010 : 02:48:34

Pylopterix was the quickly discarded character of the disease ridden whore who originally lived in the village alongside Asterix and Obelix.

Next word - prehyxlickle.
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/20/2010 : 16:36:45
Originally posted by TitanPa

next word


An instrument used by a tree surgeon to gauge the direction of flow inside the various layers of bark.

Next word = pylopterix

TitanPa Posted - 04/20/2010 : 16:26:36

The act of looking for a few seconds in a pair of Binoculars when the person who owns them mentions that they are looking at something of importance or interesting, but would like them back after giving them to you a second ago.

next word

Beanmimo Posted - 03/01/2010 : 16:19:24
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Bavvy


Olburn - contraction of oleaginous burn, a burn caused by the ignition of any oil-based substance or compound.

Example: Dr in Burns Unit to patient - What happened? Gas explosion?

Patient: No, the cat knocked over the kerosene lamp.

Dr writes on pad: Severe olburn.




The utterly useless act of banging you head against any number of objects (E.g. hand, wall etc.) when trying to remember something or when you have realised you have forgotten something of utmost importance.

next word

BaftaBaby Posted - 02/27/2010 : 10:02:47
Originally posted by Bavvy


Olburn - contraction of oleaginous burn, a burn caused by the ignition of any oil-based substance or compound.

Example: Dr in Burns Unit to patient - What happened? Gas explosion?

Patient: No, the cat knocked over the kerosene lamp.

Dr writes on pad: Severe olburn.



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