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 Haiku # 52a : Brokeback Mountain

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Heather Posted - 03/20/2007 : 16:39:52
A tough decision
To chose haiku fifty-two
It's Brokeback Mountain!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/09/2007 : 19:05:34

Well, I feel like the rootin'-tootin'est cowboy in the whole wide world! I'm off for a ride on my old horse Bullseye to tell Jessie the yodelling cowgirl all about it! Yee-ha!

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/09/2007 : 18:15:37
Aha - da boyze done their stuff and I am delighted to report that Mr BI had sent in his votes. Many thanks, MrBI

So, without further ado, ladies and gents of the Movie Haiku Challenge, I give you the scores for Ang's idyll.

In third place, with a more than respectable 8 points is


further fanfare

enough with the fanfare already:

Mr. Bad Idea [3,1,1,3]
let's hear it for him, folks.

And making her way up to the mic, careful not to get those stilletto's stuck on the stairs, it's

yes, with ten big votes, count 'em ten ...

it's ...

well, it's obvious innit?

It's Montgomery! [3,1,3,3]

Which leaves the best to last, and only nosing in by a measly vote bringing his total to an unbearable, an unbelievable, an unbeatable


That's right, I said


Who is that wasy up in the balcony?

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No, it's ....

it's ....

Young Whippersnapper!

So, young sir, once you've had your fill at the champagne reception in the beautifully redecorated Haiku Suite, the honours go to you to announce the next movie. Just make sure it was NOT a film from previous

EVERYONE, you are now free to post any alternative Haiku you may have.

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/09/2007 : 15:43:53
I'm namin and I'm shamin! Oh, yeah!


I have been reliably informed that those who participate yet do not vote are deprived of what would otherwise have been their scores.

We know you're out there, 'cause you've posted on other threads. I have PM'd you. And the vote police are on their way!!!

So cough up them votes, or it's a night in the slammer for ya, yeah! T'ink you're so tough, tough guy!!

PS: I will post score totals tonight somewhere about 10 pm UK time.

Sludge Posted - 04/07/2007 : 23:41:47
Done voted agin
duh Posted - 04/07/2007 : 16:20:09
Lurker voted the votes that dare not say their names.
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/06/2007 : 10:54:22
Friends, Romans, Sludge, MrB.I. and Whipper

Send me your votes!

PS: thanks, Whipper

Will PM [AGAIN] the tardy two ...

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/05/2007 : 23:30:38
Originally posted by turrell

votes sent to bafta

Ooo ... I'm glad you mentioned this ... 'cause I just got an anonymous voter - so it MUST be you! Which means I've now got three:

Keep 'em coming and I'll tot up the scores by Monday. Fair enough?
Cheers everyone.

turrell Posted - 04/05/2007 : 22:50:38
votes sent to bafta
Montgomery Posted - 04/05/2007 : 18:40:14
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Sludge

Anyone else up for counting so we can move on?

I'll have a go if you like. Shall I send PM you with my eMail address, or do you still have it?

Voted again. I've now given this thread more time and attention than I did the actual movie.

EM :)
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/04/2007 : 22:08:57
Originally posted by Sludge

Anyone else up for counting so we can move on?

I'll have a go if you like. Shall I send PM you with my eMail address, or do you still have it?

Sludge Posted - 04/04/2007 : 21:35:14
Anyone else up for counting so we can move on?
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/04/2007 : 15:29:07

Seems like our Heather
aint got her act together.
Might take forever.

Sludge Posted - 03/30/2007 : 15:58:37

Heather, send me your email address and I'll get you the magic vote counter excel sheet.

April 2 edit... Heather?
Heather Posted - 03/28/2007 : 20:42:04
No haiku from Heather as she has had a very hectic week and the haiku center of her brain has been temporarily turned off. Power is set to be restored to that area soon.
Montgomery Posted - 03/28/2007 : 16:11:13

"Home, home on the range . . ."

EM :)

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