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 Haiku Contest #115 - Mean Streets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/23/2008 : 14:09:44
When's the last time you sauntered down those Mean Streets. Let Martin Scorsese and Johnny Boy be your guides, and don't come back until you can show us at least one scar. Unless you're a mook. Or something.

Abbreviated rules borrowed from here to encourage some new entrants ....

The Rules

The first line of a haiku poem has five syllables.
The second line has seven syllables.
The third, and final, line has five syllables.

The Movie Haiku Contest (MHC) is open to every member of the FWFR site.

To enter, all you have to do is think of a Haiku for the current movie, then post into the current thread. Simple as that. Also, haikus may be risque, but nothing explicit please.

Only one entry per person as per The Blevins Rule. However, you are allowed to edit your existing entry until 9pm Tuesday FWFR time. *


If you have entered the MHC, then you have to vote. If you do not vote, you'll lose 3 points from your total, even if you are Sludge and its your birthday. This could mean the difference between the adoration and envy of your fellow Fwiffers or being the feckless butt of our jokes!

You do not have to enter an MHC to vote. Vote away. It'll be like a lurker vote!


For each round, you get to vote for your three favourite haikus. The voting is as follows:

3 pts fwfr a
2 pts fwfr b
1 pt fwfr c

You may vote only once
You cannot vote for yourself.
You can vote for the previous winner

You vote by sending me your votes in a PM (Private Message) HERE, to Me.

When the voting deadline ends (9pm Wednesday 30 Aug FWFR time), the votes are tallied and the top three places are announced.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 07/30/2008 : 13:49:24

Aw shucks you guys thanks.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/30/2008 : 11:57:48
Da votes are in and da noses are broken

So gather round for da results ... and we all know who's what's at stake ...

Much as I hate roolz, since our numbers dis week were rubbed out just four, I'll only report the top two.

No fanfare, no sudden movements

In 2nd place with 6 points [3, 1, 2]



But taking over the gang

A clear winner with 8 big ones [2, 3, 3]

is that haiku stalwart


So we will now retire to Jillys so's Da Bean can make a speech and choose da next round.


Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/30/2008 : 11:36:42

I've been a good fella and voted.

Beanmimo Posted - 07/30/2008 : 10:20:20

Voted and then extinguished the bin.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/30/2008 : 06:31:24
Beanmimo Posted - 07/25/2008 : 13:56:46

Before Dons or smoke
Scorsese puts Keitel on
De Niro wears hat
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/24/2008 : 12:49:45
Mean?! Whaddya mean mean?!
Deese petite Eye-talian streets
Are constantly cleaned.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/24/2008 : 12:40:30

Little Italy
It ain't no dulce vita -
Johnny boy'll tell ya.

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/24/2008 : 07:59:17
Little Italy?
I thought "Oh Johnny Boy" was
an Irish song! Ooops!

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