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 Movie Haiku Contest #179 - From Here To Eternity

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/04/2009 : 23:28:02
A seaside classic! 8 Oscars, a Burt, and a Frank, and a Montgomery. Donna and Debs. Love and war, boxing and adultry, and the whole damn thing.

Can you make 17 syllables out of
From Here To Eternity

Here are the rules.

Please enter, vote and lurk as long as you like. Only, send your votes to me by 2100 hours FWFR time on Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/11/2009 : 23:51:08
All the votes have fallen out of their black hole of Eternity to reveal the new stars in the haiku universe.

In third place with eight points

The eternally lyrical rockfsh [2,3,3]

In 2nd place with 10 votes

The Pearl Harbormeister Beanmimo [2,1,2,2,3]

And just pipping Bean at the post, with 11 points

Sorry, it's me again [3,1,2,1,3,1]

Eternal Thanks to you all. I'll be back soon with another fab film!

Sludge Posted - 11/11/2009 : 18:20:34
Voted like there's no tomorrow
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/11/2009 : 17:42:29
Thanks for votes guys. Just waiting for Sludge and Montgomery ... but they live in the Twilight Zone, so we'll be patient

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/11/2009 : 09:42:59
Votes when in, and so did the tide!
MguyX Posted - 11/10/2009 : 22:26:41
Tossed my votes in the sand.

Beanmimo Posted - 11/09/2009 : 10:43:41

World War two erupts
Pearl Harbour's tide comes in while
Lancaster Kerrb crawls
Montgomery Posted - 11/05/2009 : 18:03:52
War picture, but all
people remember is Burt
and Deb's sand-wich scene.
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/05/2009 : 11:29:12
Soldiers "play house" as
Japs threaten Eternity.
Fuck! There's a war on!

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/05/2009 : 11:19:18
Romantic or a
warning? Sex on the shore means
sand-filled privates - OUCH!
Sludge Posted - 11/05/2009 : 04:22:44
Before bartenders
came up with sex on the beach
there's Burt and Debbie

MguyX Posted - 11/05/2009 : 04:04:29
Borgnine; Lancaster;
with Clift, Kerr, Reed, Sinatra;
And 8 big Oscars!
rockfsh Posted - 11/05/2009 : 03:53:50
Warm Hawaiian night
the waves wash upon the shore
as lovers embrace

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