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 Movie Haiku Contest #180 - The Elephant Man

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/12/2009 : 00:10:01
The Elephant Man

Picture yourself in Victorian England. High society flocks to see a figure so bizarre it's hardly recognizable as human. But thanks to the empathy of a doctor and a handful of charitable folk against the threat of exploitation, the poor man is finally shown some respect and affection.

David Lynch turned the true tale into a film. Can you construct an accompanying haiku?

Here are the rules.

Please enter, vote and lurk as long as you like. Only, send your votes to me by 2100 hours FWFR time on Wednesday, 18 Nov 2009.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
clay Posted - 11/18/2009 : 22:25:34
Originally posted by MguyX

Originally posted by clay10moore

Thanks, friends! I am honoured or honored, depending on where you are.

I'll take an hour, and do my best to come up with a suitable movie for our five-seven-fives . . .

I thought you were going to say "I'll take an hour, or hor, depending on where tou are ...."

Et tou, MguyX?

Funny, Kalifornian!
MguyX Posted - 11/18/2009 : 20:36:09
Originally posted by clay10moore

Thanks, friends! I am honoured or honored, depending on where you are.

I'll take an hour, and do my best to come up with a suitable movie for our five-seven-fives . . .

I thought you were going to say "I'll take an hour, or hor, depending on where tou are ...."
clay Posted - 11/18/2009 : 20:15:44
Thanks, friends! I am honoured or honored, depending on where you are.

I'll take an hour, and do my best to come up with a suitable movie for our five-seven-fives . . .
Beanmimo Posted - 11/18/2009 : 16:44:10

Nice one clay, i thought you had that one in the bag over the head!!
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/18/2009 : 16:36:35
Thanks, all for your votes. And so, it was decided to reveal the exhibit for all to see. No, don't turn away. Assistants porting smelling salts are available at every exit to revive the faint-hearted. Ready ... Remove the tarpaulin ... drumroll ... ta-da!

AT THREE with 7 points

charming her way over the bumps

it's the sweet charmer Chocolate Lady [2,1,2,2]

AT TWO with a monstrous 10 points

He's no animal

it's hunky MguyX [3,2,2,3]


AT NUMERO UNO with a gorgeous 11 points

Mr Alliteration himself

it's the perfectly formed and adored clay [3,2,3,3]

congratulations clay - now make your speech and git us another film to haiku to, too!

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/18/2009 : 07:12:20
clay Posted - 11/18/2009 : 05:44:01
This strange MerrickAll
Of commemorative haiku
I have viewed--voted!
Montgomery Posted - 11/17/2009 : 22:13:11
Voted. Now quit chasing me down those London streets.
MguyX Posted - 11/16/2009 : 14:39:55
I'm not an animal: I voted (*sluuurp*).
rockfsh Posted - 11/13/2009 : 17:15:58
Poor deformed human
In life, a circus freak
In death, Jackson's prize
Montgomery Posted - 11/12/2009 : 20:03:01
Michael Jackson bought
his bones. But Merrick was not
another "Bubbles."

clay Posted - 11/12/2009 : 17:11:17
Merrick, misshapen,
Mistreated, maligned, emerged
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/12/2009 : 11:56:34
Heffalump disarmed
Queen Vic, but he's sick and tired
Of being on show.

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/12/2009 : 10:54:20
This side-show freak may
look strange, but under the bumps
he's weirdly charming.
Beanmimo Posted - 11/12/2009 : 10:53:29

In London's Fog, Freaks'
Humanity revealed by
The 23rd Psalm

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