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 Haiku Contest #213 - The Full Monty

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/15/2010 : 08:39:31
Seeing as I'm unemployed right now, how about a movie that tells you just how creative a group of out-of-work guys can get when they really, Really, REALLY need money.

Let's see if you're qualified to Haiku

The Full Monty!

Abbreviated rules
The first line of a haiku poem has five syllables.
The second line has seven syllables.
The third, and final, line has five syllables.

The Movie Haiku Contest (MHC) is open to every member of the FWFR site. Give it a try if you never have--it's SO EASY!

To enter, all you have to do is think of a Haiku for the current movie, then post into the current thread. (Hint: read it out loud, ticking off the syllables with your fingers as you do so.)

Haikus may be risque, but please, don't make men faint and women scream in doing so (e.g. crotch hockey).

Only one entry per person. However, you may edit your existing entry until 9pm Tuesday FWFR time.


If you have entered the MHC, then you have to vote. It's required. If you enter but do not vote, you get a whopping 3 point penalty, which can change you from a Champion to a Chump instantly.

"Failing to vote, however, could have drastic consequences. Really. I'm serious. This goes for you, too." So wrote a predecessor, and I couldn't agree more.

You do not have to enter an MHC to vote. Vote away. It'll be just like a lurker vote! Get it???
For each round, you get to vote for your three favourite haikus. The voting is as follows:

3 pts fwfr a
2 pts fwfr b
1 pt fwfr c
You may vote only once.
You may not vote for yourself.

You vote by sending me your votes in a PM (Private Message) HERE. Vote deadline is Wed 21 July 9:00 AM FWFR time. Thanks for entering!

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyX Posted - 07/24/2010 : 09:34:45
YOW! Thank you!!!!

I totally did not expect this, so I am completely sorry for not responding sooner, gang. New movie coming up in a sec!
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/22/2010 : 21:36:26
Okay, since I haven't heard from Ben, and its been so long, I'll announce the results to the best of my ability (taking into account numbers of high votes).


Kicking it off, in third place


In second place (almost there...)


And the one who took it all off...

But he can leave his hat on...


Bravo! Time to find another film to Haiku!
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/22/2010 : 15:23:50
We have a tie - waiting on the last voter to send in their votes. (Lurkers also welcome!)
clay Posted - 07/21/2010 : 16:12:50
Voted naked, but nobody noticed.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/21/2010 : 11:50:24
I kept my hat on.

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/21/2010 : 10:22:13
Don't let forgetting to vote strip you of your possible win!
MguyX Posted - 07/21/2010 : 06:13:08
What are those, pointy tits? Voted.
Sludge Posted - 07/21/2010 : 05:18:48
Beanmimo Posted - 07/16/2010 : 01:06:39

No more hard hats for
Unemployed steel workers but
they show their helmets.
Sludge Posted - 07/15/2010 : 15:53:54
Nothing left to lose
for unemployed steel workers
'cept maybe their briefs
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/15/2010 : 10:42:25
Steeling the limelight,
Steeling themselves to expose
Sheffield's sharp sword-play!

PS - Sorry to hear about your ex-job, CL. Hope you find another soon.

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/15/2010 : 10:02:32
Dole queue doldrums cause
their gloves and clothes to come off.
That's called strip mining!
MguyX Posted - 07/15/2010 : 09:56:43
A labor of love,
That intrepid dance troupe had
Six swinging members.
clay Posted - 07/15/2010 : 09:08:49
Underneath those clothes
And discardable derbies,
Pop go the Weasels!

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