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 Movie Haiku #41 -- Supersize Me

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Basselope Posted - 08/31/2006 : 05:25:06
Time to chow down on a Whopper of a haiku contest.

Here's mine:

Man wants to get fat.
Eats all meals at McDonald's.
Of course, he gets fat.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Montgomery Posted - 09/17/2006 : 20:39:36
Wow! That's cooler than a McDonald's Chocolate Shake.

But not cooler than a Shamrock Shake, because they're the coolest.

Thanks all.

Me and my supersized ass will start thinking of a new movie for us to do the haiku to.

EM :)

Sludge Posted - 09/17/2006 : 06:58:40
RESULTS for Movie Haiku #41: Supersize Me


Third best Supersize Me haiku, with
6 points
Basselope (3 1 1 1)
Your prize: Some Frize
Second favorite Supersize Me haiku, with
8 points
Sludge (2 2 2 2)
Your prize:
Naturally, more sludge.
First prize
Well ahead of the pack with
11 points
Watch your back, so to speak
(vote breakdown of 3 3 3 2)
When McDonald's asks:
"Want that Supersized?" They are
talking 'bout your ass.

You've won a lifetime supply of cholesterol.
If you can still speak... Speech!
Montgemily, once again the burger is in your court. Please select a film for Movie Haiku #42. Make sure it was NOT a film from previous rounds.

EVERYONE, you are now free to post any alternative Haiku you may have.
Basselope Posted - 09/16/2006 : 22:46:31
Can't we just assume that I won, since I'm such a genius?
Sludge Posted - 09/16/2006 : 04:47:06
I got Monty's note but it said "I'm just going from memory" and I emailed her with the whole list to make sure it's in front of her. So, my next post should be the results!
Montgomery Posted - 09/15/2006 : 18:43:37
Three times at the voting booth now. I'm going to have to start using disguises.

EM :)
Sludge Posted - 09/15/2006 : 18:00:35
This is insane. I have a new ISP but also I wonder why they're not showing up in my FWFR box?

I have votes from all 'cept Monty, and I messaged her. Also changed my FWFR email to a gmail account I use, so that should solve it in the future. Thanks for your patience!
Montgomery Posted - 09/14/2006 : 17:12:17
Went through the drive-thru and voted again.

EM :)
bife Posted - 09/14/2006 : 15:35:31
Originally posted by Sludge

Strange, I had votes from last round still in my in box but nothing new.

I got a rejection from your spam filter when I resent my votes from my own email address, that might explain your missing mails.

Let me know if you have my votes now
Basselope Posted - 09/14/2006 : 15:18:37

bife Posted - 09/14/2006 : 06:22:23
Re-voted - for the same haikus as first votes, I hope
Sludge Posted - 09/14/2006 : 05:27:24
Strange, I had votes from last round still in my in box but nothing new.

Checking my rarely used email address to which this forwards, I have from Turrell this week and Bafta from Friday.

Sorry for the trouble, but could Bass, Monty,

"Brass Monkey!"

Bife, and any lurkers please re-send? [edit: I've messaged those three]

BaftaBaby Posted - 09/13/2006 : 21:45:26
Originally posted by Montgomery

Just Bafta hafta vote still? Besides Sludge?

EM :)

Nope, EM, I voted AGES ago ... just forgot to say so

Montgomery Posted - 09/13/2006 : 21:00:52
Just Bafta hafta vote still? Besides Sludge?

EM :)
turrell Posted - 09/12/2006 : 23:57:04
You want votes with that Shake - well I sent them either way.
Basselope Posted - 09/12/2006 : 21:29:03
Sent Sludge a Happy Vote with cheese.

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