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"X marks the spot"
Posted - 02/05/2021 : 06:53:18
I was trying to find the thread that I think I wrote, saying that this movie is probably going to suck a fucking henhouse full of eggs. It's taken, literally 33 years to make this thing, and that's probably because a bunch of folks just passed on being involved, regardless of the fact that the first installment was solidly funny (no, not in a high-brow way, but it was funny). And nearly everything where Eddie Murphy is in charge of the film is absolute shit (if I see him, I will yell "The Golden Child!" and hurl monkey shit at his shoes; yes, I carry a bag of monkey shit around just in case I ever see him). He can be sublime when in the hands of others, though (Dreamgirls, Bowfinger).
I've only seen two trailers so far, but it looks like I may have to retire that bag of monkey shit. I hope so; it's very smelly. |

MguyXXV  "X marks the spot"
Posted - 03/05/2021 : 20:45:11
Well, I'm going to retire the bag o' shit, but only because it's becoming a problem. As with many comedies, the parts I found probably funniest were in the trailer, though I chuckled at a few other things. Coming 2 America is an OK comedy (unless you had to pay for it).
I'm not going to say that Eddie Murphy is old news, but I will say that Craig Brewer was unable to get much of anything fresh from him in this vehicle. He was as unable to get Eddie's vulnerability in this film as he was in the Dolemite Is my Name film -- which also had potential but ultimately was just OK. You can't let Eddie protect his ego, because it undercuts his capability and his delivery. Wesley Snipes delivers a very good performance (notwithstanding that he wouldn't take a picture with me a couple of years ago [*jerk*]), and I simply adore Tracy Morgan no matter what; the man coughs comedy gold. And Leslie Jones plays off everyone, and especially Tracy, like she has finally found confident comedy footing (I'd like to see her and Tracy do another project together; they have better chemistry than the ghetto comedy classic pairing of Redd Foxx and La Wanda Page). Eddie and Arsenio Hall reprise their make-up laden caricature side roles to good comic effect, but Akeem and Semmi still possess less dimension than the side roles (and particularly, far less than the solid barber and preacher side roles).
Almost everyone comes back (the only people missing were the Soul-Glo folks), and they even got Morgan Freeman to lend a hand.
There are moments, but don't expect Godfather II (I know: Coming to America wasn't Godfather). But if you expect something a little better than a Bugsy Malone 2, you might feel satisfied.

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 03/09/2021 : 23:33:24
I believe Wesley Snipes saved the movie from being a complete Bomb. I enjoyed it, but I think because it brought back memories from when the original came out. Yes, it did have its moments. But I glad I didn�t pay to go see this in a movie theater. A fond farewell to your Monkey Shit, MGuyX

MguyXXV  "X marks the spot"
Posted - 03/10/2021 : 08:06:02
quote: Originally posted by TitanPa
... A fond farewell to your Monkey Shit, MGuyX

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 20:10:28
Is 33 years a record for a sequel? |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 23:30:40
He did say he wants to make the trilogy when he actually turns 75 |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 03/12/2021 : 23:32:30
quote: Originally posted by lemmycaution
Is 33 years a record for a sequel?
Mary Poppins Returns lol |
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