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T O P I C    R E V I E W
benj clews Posted - 07/07/2008 : 15:38:36
Hi all...

It's becoming a more and more common occurrence that undeniably non-films are being added to the site, despite the automated checks I put in place to avoid this. The problem here is largely that the IMDB doesn't always correctly classify entries or doesn't provide enough information to determine one way or the other. As fun as these entries may well be to write fwfrs for, they simply don't belong on a purported film-related site.

So... in order to curb this, I've started this thread where we can post non-films (or discuss borderlines) for possible blockage from the site.

I'll get the ball rolling so you can see the sort of thing that's being added that really shouldn't be...

60th Annual Tony Awards, The
2007 NFL Draft
2004 World Series
Naked News
Harry Potter in the Hood
American Eats
Denise Austin: Fit And Lite

There's a fair few more so feel free to add to this list
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 14:16:10
Originally posted by TitanPa

This Candy Land movies seems to be stuck in Development Hell. Never to be released. Sorry AC

Will keep it around until the imdb link is dead.
TitanPa Posted - 06/13/2023 : 02:19:09
This Candy Land movies seems to be stuck in Development Hell. Never to be released. Sorry AC

benj clews Posted - 09/28/2022 : 17:28:52
Originally posted by TitanPa

This Fletch film never became a movie. It needs deleted

Fletch Lost.
TitanPa Posted - 09/27/2022 : 04:35:19
This Fletch film never became a movie. It needs deleted
lemmycaution Posted - 12/27/2019 : 23:23:07
Hi, benj.

When you get around to it will you please delete this non-film.

Thanks. These things mess up achieved accolades.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/01/2018 : 21:16:57
Originally posted by Salop19n

This film was never made � who scored it 4?!

I assume that whoever it was thought that they were scoring the original:
Salopian Posted - 11/21/2018 : 14:50:32
This film was never made � who scored it 4?!
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 04/30/2018 : 19:44:29
A film, not a non-film. I remember seeing "Bond girls are forver" as a film and even having a review or two. It is missing currently. Also, I used to have close to 1000 reviews but the number now is slightly less, what gives? Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere, haven't been active on fwfr of late.
Salopian Posted - 10/22/2014 : 00:30:23
The Him films here both lead to the same I.M.D.B. page. I suggest that the Her reviews be moved from one of them and then it be deleted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/13/2014 : 10:50:17
Hi benj
This film - Questioning Darwin - has recently been added to the fwfr db, but imdb no longer recognizes it.

BaftaBaby Posted - 09/20/2013 : 14:35:23
Hi benj

The following two are still blocked as non-films - I request that you reconsider.

1. Sex Crimes and the Vatican -
This is one of those cases where a BBC TV ongoing documentary series produces weekly episodes that each stands on its own. FWFR has precedence allowing several of these. I believe this is an important film. Please let it through.

2. Snow Buddies -
I think this is being rejected because it went straight to vid - but we have others like that. So please allow this one. It's about some puppies. Puppies, benj!

Bigtime TIA

lemmycaution Posted - 07/17/2013 : 20:42:37
Light in the Darkroom

Can't find this on IMDb.
Salopian Posted - 05/15/2013 : 22:34:03
Why has this been blocked?
Salopian Posted - 05/04/2013 : 16:45:08
Benj, please could you look at the ones here that you haven't dealt with?
TitanPa Posted - 02/05/2013 : 17:18:13
Date School link to IMDB is missing.

Please see my new thread "No Cast"

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